- Pôvod: Pevninskej Číne
Držiak na zubnú kefku na stenu s krytom Samolepiaci držiak na zubné kefky na internáte Kúpeľne a držiaky na sprchy 2 Zubné kefky
1.Toothbrush holder wall mounted with cover, keep away from dust. The cover opens automatically when toothbrush is pulled forward.
2.Hanging toothbrush rack made of plastic, durable and easy to clean.
3.Toothbrush holder can be used as an organizer on wall in small space, such as bathroom, sprcha, showroom, kuchyňa, RV, camper, trailer.
4.Wall mounted toothbrush holder dimensions: 2¾" x 1½" x 1½" (7.2cm x 4cm x 4cm)
5.Obsah balenia: Toothbrush holder wall mounted x 1