- Applicable Dog Breed: Egyetemes
- Anyag: Műanyag
- Márkanév: VOTWO
- Eredet: Kína szárazföldi része
- Stílus: Universal for dogs and cats
3-Oldalas kisállat fogkefe Kutya műanyag fogkefe rossz lehelet fogkő eltávolítása Szájtisztító kisállat fogápolás Macska szájtisztító
【THREE SIDED】: It’s simpler and more convenient for pets to brush their teeth, and it is more effective for them to brush their teeth easily.
【ERGONOMIC DESIGN】: The design of toothbrush is in line with dog’s oral structure, which is more comfortable and safer. The handle is made of rubber, which can better grasp the toothbrush, and it is not easy to slide and fall off.
【PERFECT FOR KEEPING PETS’ ORAL HEALTH】: A clean mouth helps pets’ health and helps their owners’ health.3 brush heads make