- Go Gnéasach Molta: Níl
- Pictiúr gáirsiúil: Níl
- Cineál: G-Spota
- Ábhar: sileacain
- Deimhniú Cáilíochta Tráchtearra: 3c,ce
- Ainm branda: LUOGE
- Bunús: Mórthír na Síne
- Líon na bPíosaí: Aonad a hAon
- Deimhniú: CE
- Cineál Mír: Vibrators
Your privacy is of Paramount importance to us.We will protect your privacy, careful packaging, you can rest assured that shopping, only you know what is packed inside!
Product Description:
Cineál: Vibrator
Ábhar:Silicone Leighis
Frequency: Single
Volume:Less than 50dB
Nóta: When cleaning with water, please take out the power unit first.
Níl aon léirmheasanna fós.