Heim » GESCHÄFT » 14x21cm 10 Stück Handschwenkende Flaggen der irischen Flagge mit Fahnenmasten aus Kunststoff NC017

14x21cm 10 Stück Handschwenkende Flaggen der irischen Flagge mit Fahnenmasten aus Kunststoff NC017


Artikelnummer: 32803509049 Kategorie:
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  • Verwendung: Hand
  • Typ: PRINTED
  • FabricPolartec
  • Stil: Flying
  • Modell-Nr: NC017
  • Flags & Banners MaterialPlastik
  • Flagpole MaterialPlastik
  • Markenname: candiway
  • Herkunft: Festlandchina
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB17xVlX jxK1Rjy0Fnq6yBaFXaY
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1hTxIXZfrK1RkSmLyq6xGApXaC
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB16IRKX5YrK1Rjy0Fdq6ACvVXaR
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1STJNX.zrK1RjSspmq6AOdFXa1
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1TjRHX5nrK1Rjy1Xcq6yeDVXai
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB13RdFX2LsK1Rjy0Fbq6xSEXXa9
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB15VFNX0fvK1RjSspfq6zzXFXaw
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB15nFLX5zxK1RjSspjq6AS.pXaL
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1c0FNXZnrK1RjSspkq6yuvXXaD
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1ISpMX42rK1RkSnhJq6ykdpXaA
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1F0FKX5nrK1RjSsziq6xptpXal
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1ljtLX6zuK1RjSspeq6ziHVXay
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1.dXLX6vuK1Rjy0Faq6x2aVXae
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1k hJX jxK1Rjy0Fnq6yBaFXaU
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1qZRNX0zvK1RkSnfoq6zMwVXaQ
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1uYXHXVzsK1Rjy1Xbq6xOaFXaG
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1z FKX4 rK1RkHFqDq6yJAFXaR
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1e pIX2fsK1RjSszbq6AqBXXaO
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1WKJNX6DuK1RjSszdq6xGLpXag
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1j.VJX5zxK1Rjy1zkq6yHrVXaP
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB166XIXZnrK1RkHFrdq6xCoFXax
Größe : Um 14*21 CM / 3*5 Zoll
It has 2 sides, but is not "double sided" as in two flags sewn together back to back.
The opposite side being a reverse or mirror image of the front side, with the words if any are backwards.
Made of high quality polyester, fastness and durable
With a flagpole casing on the left side, other three sides sewed by machine
Great for parties, festivals, historical events, military occasions etc

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14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1Pfn4QpXXXXa.XFXXq6xXFXXXW
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1mnvSQpXXXXbeXFXXq6xXFXXXY
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1U0 4QpXXXXb2XFXXq6xXFXXXL
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1JoYFQpXXXXcGaXXXq6xXFXXXo
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB10eD3QpXXXXaDXFXXq6xXFXXXY
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1OFf5QpXXXXX.XFXXq6xXFXXXO
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1eSD QpXXXXchXpXXq6xXFXXXa
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1TNYZQpXXXXXEXFXXq6xXFXXX1
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1k 2GQpXXXXaKaXXXq6xXFXXXI
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14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1sXnTQpXXXXcZXVXXq6xXFXXXn
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1qvcTQpXXXXbdXpXXq6xXFXXXa
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1anMaQpXXXXX1apXXq6xXFXXX3
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1Pfn4QpXXXXa.XFXXq6xXFXXXW
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14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1O.D7QpXXXXaFXFXXq6xXFXXXm
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB109ggQpXXXXcSXXXXq6xXFXXXE
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14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1s3cIQpXXXXa8XFXXq6xXFXXXM
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14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1WJ3kQpXXXXXBXpXXq6xXFXXXf
14x21cm 10pcs The Irish flag hand waving flags with Plastic Flagpoles NC017 HTB1AtQaQpXXXXXBXpXXq6xXFXXX6

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