- Seksuelt sugende: Ingen
- Uanstændigt billede: Ingen
- Størrelse: som billede viser
- Model nummer: CD21
- Type: G-Spot
- Materiale: Silikone
- Certificering af råvarekvalitet: ce
- Oprindelse: Fastlandet Kina
- Antal stykker: En enhed
- Varetype: Vibratorer
Produktet kan ikke fungere, når det er opladet. Tag venligst opladningskablet ud, og tryk længe på tænd/sluk-knappen før brug.
Please full charge the item for the first time using it.
【Cross-era Ergonomic Design】The design of the penis simulation , the texture of the glans, and the arc design that just touches the G-spot . The design of the ring allows you to experience the feeling of clasping your fingers together orgasm , take the orgasm into your own hands.
【Body-safe Material And WaterProof】Ikke giftig, lugtfri, og hudvenlig. Klitorisstimulatoren er lavet af medicinsk silikone, som direkte kan kontakte den kvindelige skede. Use with water or soap water clean after use and dry with a soft towel or lint-free cloth.
【Large Capacity Rechargeable Battery And Long Use Time】It comes with a USB charging cable so you can charge it anywhere, a single charge works 1+ timer!
15 frequency modes :
10 vibrationstilstande : fra svag til stærk, with different frequencies, you can experience the strange orgasm feeling of being stimulated to numb and limp, and the pleasure of vagina being stimulated to incontinence.
5 sucking modes : let you experience the orgasmic pleasure of pulling your soul out of your body.
Simulation Design :
Realistic design, let you flood in an instant.
Thedesign of stimulate the clitoris and G-spot :
The design that can stimulate the clitoris and vaginal orgasm G-spot at the same time allows you to experience an unprecedented double-layer orgasm like an electric shock.
Upgrade of charging interface :
The upgrade of the charging interface, compared with the old version of the DC port charging, the magnetic charging can be better waterproof.
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