- Seksuelt sugende: Ingen
- Uanstændigt billede: Ingen
- Størrelse: 100mm*50mm
- Type: G-Spot
- Materiale: ABS
- Certificering af råvarekvalitet: ce
- Mærke navn: NoEnName_Null
- Oprindelse: Fastlandet Kina
- Antal stykker: En enhed
- Certificering: CE
- Varetype: vibratorer
- Scope of use: Vagina/clitoris/nipples
- Applicable people: Adult Women
- Applicable age: 18 years old and above
- Product Role: Sexual flirting / onani
- Fungere 1: Voksen forsyninger
- Fungere 2: Vibrator hun
- Fungere 3: Sexlegetøj
- Fungere 4: Toys for Adult
- Fungere 5: Erotisk legetøj
- Fungere 6: Goods for adults
Your privacy is of Paramount importance to us. We will protect your privacy, careful packaging, you can rest assured that shopping, only you know what is packed inside!
For your privacy and security,
The shipment without a box and without a battery,
The actual product is subject to the detailed picture
The switch at the bottom is easy to control.
Great for beginners thanks to its mini proportions.
Powerful mini G-spot vibrator.
Portable and easy carry.
Slank, smooth and comfortable, this vibrator will fly you off into a world of orgasmic bliss!
Bump Friction,Convex point design, more obvious stimulation
Type: 10 hastigheder
Strøm: 1Pcs*AA Batteries(Not included)